Look to thanks Régis Casteran for publishing a small benchmarking about MBSE tools performances.
The studied tools and their publishers / distributors:
EA : Enterprise arKItect – Sparx System
CSM : Cameo System Modeler – Dassault System
RRA: Rational Rhapsody – IBM
arKItect: Knowledge Inside
Capella:Thales, Siemens
Understanding criteria :
- Actions: the work we really do – ergonomic efficiency
- Number of elements: in the example there are 6 (3 functions, 3 flows). All there is in addition is to produce by the user because the formalism does not allow to stick strictly to the work to be carried out. Obviously, for every object more to manage, actions in addition, of the user reflection …
- Number of views: efficiency in research, “user guidance”. the more views there are, the less obvious it is to find what one is looking for.